Hello! I’m Ian, an engineer with a passion for soldering copper wires to create kinetic art in the form of rolling ball sculptures.

My journey began in 2017, with a million or two imperfect solder joints and plenty of frustrating setbacks. My breakthrough came in 2020 when I finally honed my scale, style, and techniques.

Patience has truly been key to this process.

Today, I create sculptures for exhibitions, sales, and commissions. Feel free to reach out with any inquiries at copper.gravity@yahoo.com

If you’d like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee here…

As part of my creative process, I document the making of these sculptures and regularly post updates on my YouTube channel. There, you'll find detailed build playlists as well as videos showcasing the finished pieces.

Please subscribe to keep up to date.

Recent comments from my YouTube videos….

“I could happily sit there for hours and watch these.”


“Wonderful! There's so much I like about this piece. All the precision and technical pieces, but my favourite bit is probably the long sweeping curve on the side opposite the spiral lifter. Simple, but beautiful. I love the curving logo. Very clever how it was laid out and made, then curved. The whole thing seems very solid. It's not shaking or making a lot of jangle noises. I've learned a lot watching your videos. I think I've seen all of them. It's been fun watching you develop your process and tools. The way you approach layout, making repeatable curves, standardized track supports, and track modules. Great work!”


“Real art. Hats off to you!”


“Your videographer skills are on the same level as your sculpture skills.”


“Beautiful work of art, I wish I had the patience to build something like this.”


“I love your videos, they're so calming. Thanks for making them.”